Under Construction
Grand Opening at the Great Ishgardian Frostfaire!

Anamnesis Eorzea presents

Main Exhibits

Anamnesis Eorzea has consulted experts from all walks of life and all backgrounds to create
the most detailed and well-resourced displays of the rare, esoteric, and otherwise unknown.
From the unsundered world of Amaurot to the distant lights of the Dragonstar,
from the distant history of Goug to the distant lands of Meracydia,
anything unusual is our calling.
We also strive to feature recreations of original artifacts not on loan to our museum
using Amaurotine principles of creation magic and historical preservation
in an effort to protect a culture's ownership of its own heritage.
If there's anything you'd like to see added to our halls, speak to
Special Collections Chair Iris Blanchimont.

Room 1


Before time was time, there was The World Unsundered, a land of people who wielded immense power over the notion of creation itself with their near boundless aether. Denizens of this world are today called the Ancients.Their works include the first Primals, a race of empathic birdpeople called the Meteia, vast cities and many other wonders. Those creations that needed study were consigned to the research facility Elpis, while dangerous creations found themselves in Pandemonium.The World Unsundered was, obviously, eventually sundered. This came as a result of several disasterous projects undertaken by the Ancients that became known as The Final Days of Amaurot. This event was paralleled by the Final Days experienced by Etheirys in the Seventh Astral Era.

Exhibit Contents:

  • Displays representing Hydaelyn and Zodiark

  • Displays representing The Convocation of Fourteen members Elidibus and Emet-Selch

  • Displays representing the Meteia

  • Paintings of Locations of Ancient Design

  • Clothing in the style of the Ancients

  • Declassified books on Creation Magic

Room 10


While not a particular place or period of history, the Anamnesis Eorzea musical exhibit catalogues one of the most meaningful forms of creation through all of Spoken history.Music has magic, both literal and figurative. It transports the listener to far-off places, inspires in them deep emotions, and communicates in a language as universal as the Echo itself.At Anamnesis Eorzea, we have functional instruments on display suitable for performance. The Blanchimont Chamber Orchestra, sponsored by our curator's Ishgardian Noble House, occasionally hosts small concerts at this exhibit.

Exhibit Contents:

  • A six-piece chamber orchestra including: an Ishgardian horn, a cello, a timpani, a harpsicord, a harp, and a microphone, suitable for performance.

  • A pipe organ

  • A marimba

  • A display of rare violins

  • A Steppe string instrument

  • An early-model Orchestrion

Room 11

From Goug to Garlemald

The Ivalicians of the Clockwork City of Goug couldn't use magic. They instead focused on their technology. Their home, however, was destroyed by the Ridorana Cataract.When they traveled north, the Gougians founded the Garlean Republic. The Republic represented the sparse tribes of Ilsabard until late in the
Sixth Astral Era when an Ancient took the name Solus zos Galvus and turned the Republic into the brutal Garlean Empire.
The Garlean Empire, under the Galvus dynasty, committed atrocities across the world from the Last Wood incident to the Seventh Calamity, until the Empire turned on itself and summoned the primal Anima, sacrificing Garlean citizens.The Goug to Garlemald exhibit is sponsored by The Khamja, an orginization founded in the Clockwork City of Goug.

Exhibit Contents:

  • Selections from the Khamja Library dating back to the Clockwork City of Goug

  • Records from the former Garlean Republic

  • Paintings of the Imperial City of Garlemald

  • Garlean Magitek tools

  • Models of Garlean robotics including the Magitek Reaper, Ultima Weapon, and more

  • Busts representing the various Weapons

  • Reports and accounts of the various war crimes committed by the Garlean Empire

Anamnesis Eorzea Presents

Museum Facilities

In addition to our many fantastic exhibits of the unusual and unlikely, Anamnesis Eorzea operates a variety
of useful facilities for our guests, our community, and the broader Eorzean Museum Network.
More than just a museum, Anamnesis Eorzea is also a research institute committed to continuing exploration into
creation magic, esoterica, and aetheric sciences.
These facilities include our Cubus Cafe, the eatery powered by
the creation magic of the Ancients. Our cubi are expertly trained in the making of
all sorts of food, but especially the kinds of things enjoyed by the Ancients themselves.


AE Research

In addition to cataloguing the creations of others, Anamnesis Eorzea engages in scientific inquiry of our own.AE Research features a lecture hall, lounge, library and work room for the assessment of legends, artifacts, magics and more.The AE Research Lounge also features a large table where Anamnesis Eorzea's staff gets together to play war games.


Atelier Iris Labs

The labs at Anamnesis Eorzea, sponsored by Atelier Iris, contain various tools for artifact study, repair, replication, and discovery.The labs also contain the most advanced version of Atelier Iris' Computational and Analytical Terminal (CAT). The CAT is an information storage, retrevial, transfer, and processing tool based on tomestones and other tools of Allagan design, and connected to remote terminals throughout the museum and across the world using encoded linkshell transmissions able to be interpreted by other devices.

main floor right

The Cubus Cafe

Using creation magic and some designs left behind by the Ancients, Anamnesis Eorzea has constructed a collection of Cubi. Cubi are manifested creation magic capable of carrying out complex tasks.Our Cubus Cafe uses a pair of Cubi to prepare a series of dishes that were commonly served in The World Unsundered and enjoyed by the Ancients. This intricate display of magic and understanding of forgotten prehistory comes together to serve our guests delicious and unique snacks.

main floor left

Gift Shop

Anamnesis Eorzea sells replicas of various items from throughout the museum as well as special branded attire, gifts, postcards, and other sundry tchotchkes as reminders of a fun day at the museum.Yes, you do have to walk through the gift shop to get to the exhibits.

room 3

Public Spa

Why does a museum have a spa?It's cold in Ishgard. Everyone has a spa nowadays.

room 4

Office of Research DirectorM'Sheerah Akhabila

The office of M'Sheerah Akhabila, Director of Research.The Director of Research focuses upon the acquisition and fieldwork required to locate and secure exhibits and transport them for further display - as well as trying to understand them.This includes being able to plot courses through hostile terrain, to being able to defend oneself, to understand and be able to locate identified relics for transport.M'Sheerah takes great pride in the work she takes in helping to reconstruct and piece together formerly lost history.

room 5

Office of Special Collections ChairIris Blanchimont

The office of Lady Iris Lilith Blanchimont, curator of the museum.The Office of Special Collections focuses on finding rare and esoteric exhibits for the museum and making strategic partnerships with people who have a unique connection to history.It's the role of the Special Collections Division of Anamnesis Eorzea to preserve the rarest and strangest pieces of history from the farthest-flung reaches within Spoken grasp.For some reason best left to Lady Blanchimont herself,
Anamnesis Eorzea's curator prefers her technically lesser title as
Special Collections Chairwoman.

Cubus Cafe

menu selections

Using creation magic and some designs left behind by the Ancients, Anamnesis Eorzea has constructed a collection of Cubi. Cubi are manifested creation magic capable of carrying out complex tasks.Our Cubus Cafe uses a pair of Cubi to prepare a series of dishes that were commonly served in The World Unsundered and enjoyed by the Ancients. This intricate display of magic and understanding of forgotten prehistory comes together to serve our guests delicious and unique snacks.






Melit Prawn


Akasha Orange Cake



Root Beer







Elpis Candy Apple

Melopita Sifnos

Ktisis Tea
